Delegator Factories in Zend Framework 2
Last year, I worked on a feature for ZF2 called "Delegator Service Factories" , which was included in Zend Framework 2.2.0.
It seems to me that many ZF2 developers either don't fully understand the feature, or do not know it.
This article analyzes the feature in depth and tries to explain what these do, and why you may need them.
The Problem
While working with Zend\ServiceManager
, we often find ourselves in the need
of overriding services provided by third-party modules that we use.
Let's make a practical example and assume that we are using a DbLoggingModule
provided by a friendly open-source developer.
The developer of DbLoggingModule
provided us with an awesome service
called "DbLoggingModule\Logger"
, which is created by a service factory
class LoggerFactory implements FactoryInterface
public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $sm)
$config = $sm->get('Config');
$db = new DB($config['db_logging']['dsn']);
// more db configuration here
$logger = new Logger($db);
$logger->addFilter(new ErrorFilter());
// more logger configuration here
return $logger;
This is awesome and clean, but then we want to be able to log all errors by removing the pre-configured filters, or we want to add a formatter to our logger to add contextual information to the logged messages.
This becomes tricky, since we now have to define our own factory for that logger:
class MyLoggerFactory implements FactoryInterface
public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $sl)
$config = $sl->get('Config');
$db = new DB($config['db_logging']['dsn']);
// more db configuration here
$logger = new Logger($db);
// removing this: we don't filters
// $logger->addFilter(new ErrorFilter());
// this will add some context from the HTTP globals
// ("eeew", but useful for our logged messages)
$logger->addFormatter(new HttpRequestContextFormatter());
// more logger configuration here
return $logger;
This is fine, but our MyLoggerFactory
duplicates a lot of code from
, and we now have to also strictly monitor any updates
by the original developer of DbLoggingModule
Code duplication is a huge problem, especially when we're localizing code from external dependencies.
We can mitigate this issue by using an initializer instead:
class MyLoggerInitializer implements InitializerInterface
public function initialize($instance, ServiceLocatorInterface $sl)
if ($instance instanceof Logger) {
$logger->addFormatter(new HttpRequestContextFormatter());
This is a much cleaner approach, but there are major disadvantages as well:
- This initializer is being called once per each instantiated service, and that can lead to hundreds (seriously!) of useless method calls per request, and that for a single object that we wanted to change.
All of our
instances are going to be affected by the change, and that is a big problem if we have more than one logger in the application.
That's pretty much technical debt that we are building up. We are being lazy, and we will pay for that if we go down this route.
The solution for this particular problem is using "delegator factories".
What are delegator factories?
A delegator factory is pretty much a wrapper around a real factory: it allows us
to either replace the real service with a "delegate", or interact with an object
produced by a factory before it is returned by the Zend\ServiceManager
In pseudo-code, a delegator-factory is doing following:
service = delegatorFactory(factory());
This is the interface for a delegator factory:
namespace Zend\ServiceManager;
interface DelegatorFactoryInterface
public function createDelegatorWithName(
ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator,
Delegator Factories applied to the Logger problem
This is how we would use it to modify our "DbLoggingModule\Logger"
class LoggerDelegatorFactory implements DelegatorFactoryInterface
public function createDelegatorWithName(
ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator,
) {
$logger = $callback();
$logger->addFormatter(new HttpRequestContextFormatter());
return $logger;
Note: We are not using the first 3 parameters, which may be useful in different contexts (for example, when configuration is needed).
We then add it to our service manager configuration to instruct the
that we want our delegator factory to be used
whenever the service "DbLoggingModule\Logger"
is requested:
return [
'delegators' => [
'DbLoggingModule\Logger' => [
// can add more of these delegator factories here
This will make the Zend\ServiceManager
call the the
whenever the service "DbLoggingModule\Logger"
is instantiated,
regardless if it is built via invokable, factory, peering service manager or
abstract factory.
Hint: You can define more of these delegator service factories for a single service, which allow you to override service instantiation logic in different modules and multiple times, leading to a very fine-grained configuration flexibility.
Hint: Assuming that you want to completely replace the
with your own custom implementation depending on
context, you could also completely avoid using the provided $callback
This way, the original service won't even be instantiated.
On naming
The name delegator factory
is actually something I'm not happy with, since
they are actually just wrappers around an existing factory.
Warning: Since I'm the first guy to shout out at Laravel Facades, I want to make it clear that the naming "Delegator Factory" is wrong, that it was my mistake, and I will likely fix it for ZendFramework 3.x.
I initially designed these factories to solve a different problem, which is Lazy Services.
In the context of lazy services and decorators, the instance returned by these factories is indeed a "delegate", therefore I came up with the name "delegator factory".
Only later on I realized that these factories are actually much more powerful than what I originally designed them for, therefore the "delegator factory" name became inadequate.
Delegator factories are vital to any ZF2 hacker. Any developer working with Zend\ServiceManager
should also be familiar with this functionality and its usage.
Delegator factories are not a new concept. For instance, Pimple introduced this concept a while ago and (in a limited form): it is called "extending a service".
The entire functionality was introduced by accident while I was working on an implementation of Lazy Services, and they surely need a rename. This will not happen in Zend Framework 2.x.
I hope this helps you with your day-to-day hacking around your ZF2 apps!