Hi, my name is Marco Pivetta , and I'm a software consultant working for Roave.
My current location is near Frankfurt, in Germany.
On the web and with friends, I am also known as "Ocramius", which has been my nickname since a long time ago.
I work on various open-source PHP projects, and am typically paid to work with backend PHP application architecture.
I am part of the Doctrine Project core team: we build the well known Doctrine 2 Object Relational Mapper.
If you dig in my Github account, you will also find out that I am part of the ZendFramework CR team, helping maintaining one of the most used, stable and secure enterprise-grade available PHP libraries.
You should probably also know that I do not have a sleep schedule, which means that I am usually awake whenever there is work to do.
You can contact me through my email address, ocramius@gmail.com, which is also my IM address.
I am also active as supporter on the #zftalk and #doctrine IRC channels on freenode.
You can also say "hi" to me on Twitter, where I post professional and personal thoughts, suggestions, rants and silly things that I find on the intertubes.